Archive of published posts on November, 2016

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VSCO Roundup #20 – October 2016


Last month I took walks in beautiful autumnal woods, visited cute animals, and went to see three great women perform their fantastic music: Aurora, Regina Spektor and Kate Tempest. There’s no picture of the latter one, because she asked the audience to leave their phones in their pockets, and when rappers tell you to do something, you obey, right?

Processed with VSCO with q4 preset Processed with VSCO with g2 preset Processed with VSCO with 4 preset Processed with VSCO with x2 preset Processed with VSCO with kk2 preset Processed with VSCO with k3 preset Processed with VSCO with h1 preset Processed with VSCO with 2 preset Processed with VSCO with x5 preset Processed with VSCO with s4 preset Processed with VSCO with hb2 preset Processed with VSCO with 7 preset

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