
Trekking in the Eifel

Right after Easter we went on a three day trekking tour in the Eifel. We had booked two so-called Naturlagerplätze, wooden platforms in the middle of the forest. There’s room for two small tents on the platform, a bench and table is built right to it, and there’s an outhouse is nearby.

We hiked along the river Urft, crossed an exciting bridge, came by an estate that had been used by the Nazis for educational purposes, visited an abandoned Belgian gas station (the Nazi estate turned into a military training area first for the British, afterwards for the Belgians), had Grappa and coffee and scones and stroopwaffels and Nutella bread (and some disgusting looking trekking food from a plastic bag), got water from a beautiful little creek, were only a little scared by the blair-witchy constructions near our second platform, and saw virgin Mary on our way back.

Despite our backpacks being a little too heavy it was a fantastic trip and I’m looking forward to visiting the two newly opened platforms in the next year or so.

There is 1 comment in this article:

  1. 28.05.2019Diana says:

    So schöön!

    Ich stelle mir gerade vor, dass ihr den ganzen Weg ein 500g Nutellaglas mitgeschleppt habt…

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